About Zumba®

What is Zumba®?
It's an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance
fitness-party™ that's moving millions of people toward joy & health.

Why Zumba®?
Zumba® is the best workout you will ever have.
You will laugh, you will have fun, and you will sweat!
The reason why Zumba® is so popular is that
anyone can do it - it is designed for all fitness levels,
all ages and all abilities.
And it works. I have lost 32kgs since I started Zumba®.
To read more of my story, click on About Me.
Zumba® has changed my life, and I know it will change
yours too.


Print the voucher above and bring to your first class at Zumba with Shantelle!
Click on Timetable to see all my class times and locations.
I look forward to seeing you in class soon!!!

How Much?
Introductory offer: 3-class pass $30 (print voucher above and bring to your first class).
Casual Pass: $15
10 class pass - $120 (only $12 a class)
20 class pass - $200 (only $10 a class)
No contracts - No sign-up fees!

EFTPOS & Credit Card Available!
Cash, EFTPOS and credit card are available at my classes to give you choice of payment.

Kids are Welcome!
Kids under 16 are only $5 when they attend with an adult - they love Zumba® too! Kids are free if they are not participating in the class.

What to Wear?
Comfortable clothes, shoes with not too much grip on the bottom to help you Zumba® properly!

Zumba®Wear Available!
I am also the Owner Director of Zumbashop Australia!
Zumba®Wear, the cool clothes made for Zumba®, are available to purchase in my classes or here www.zumbashop.com.au
Choose from Zumba®Wear cargo pants, leggings, racer-back tops, fancy tops,
t-shirts, headbands, wristbands and bracelets. Lots of colours, styles and sizes

What to Bring?
A towel and plenty of water!

Are you on Facebook? Like my business page Zumba With Shantelle to see all the news of my Zumba classes. Send me a friend request to ZumbaShantelle.
This website, www.zumbashantelle.com, is owned and operated by Shantelle Hayward,
a licenced member of the Zumba Instructor Network (ZIN).
Click this link to see my official profile on zumba.com